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East Step Trench
TAY Project The Türkiye Arkeolojik Yerleşmeleri (TAY) Project provides a comprehensive database of Turkish archaeological sites, in Turkish and English.

Current Archaeology in Turkey Australia's University of New England also hosts a thorough database called Current Archaeology in Turkey.

ASOR The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) is a scholarly organization dedicated to the study of peoples and cultures of the Near East.

The Oriental Institute Excavations at Çadır Höyük are conducted with the support of The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

Kerkenes Kerkenes, a large Phrygian ruin, is a very important Iron Age site not far from Çadır Höyük.

Mound: Silent Villages "Mound: Silent Villages" is a gallery of well-composed, artistic photos of various mounds throughout Turkey.
Cadir Hoyuk
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